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Hi Im Ashley! Im currently an ASU student about to enter the world of Teaching! With graduation and summer nearing, this could get pretty crazy! :P

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Great Weekend! :]

This weekend was one of those weekends that remind me of how lucky I really am :] My weekend started on Thursday when Mike and I went and saw the movie Letters to God. Let me tell you, this movie was awesome! Well the story was, the acting.. not so much! But I loved the idea of writing your prayers down in a letter to God. It was an inspiring movie and I loved it. We ended our night with one of the best bottles of wine (Mike bought the wine when we went wine tasting in Sierra Vista) and some good music on the patio! :]

Friday, I worked.. but Friday night Mike and I went to Applebees for dinner and then saw some friends Ive missed very much!

Last night we went to the drive inns. It was a lot of fun!! We saw How to Train Your Dragon and Hot Tub Time Machine. I fell asleep! haha. But it was something different, I havent been in years! I saw a shooting star :] Id tell ya my wish but then it won't come true.

Today I spent the day in the sun! First time this year we went in the pool! It was like an ice cube but lots of fun. Got some sun and relaxed. We watched Avitar, which was good! ( I guess this weekend was the weekend for movies! haha)

This week should be exciting! Monday has a lot going on.. I find out the results to the AEPA test tomorrow AND my family and I are going to Sea World for Jacob's bday! Ill update you on the results- only if they're good! haha. and post pictures of the Sea World adventures :]

Good night!!

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