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Hi Im Ashley! Im currently an ASU student about to enter the world of Teaching! With graduation and summer nearing, this could get pretty crazy! :P

Wednesday, April 28, 2010


(I will try to write this without crying! hahah!!)
Today I got an email from Megan, a girl in my block at ASU. It was reminding us girls about the get together we are having to celebrate graduating! Towards the end of the email it said this....

"I just have to say, I really cannot believe we did it! It has been such a long stinkin' process but we did it! It's kind of scary to know we aren't students anymore and have to go out and find "real" jobs. :) I honestly could not have picked a better group of girls to go through this program with. And I'm being honest when I say, if it wasn't for you girls I really would not have made it to the end! So thank you!!"

These words made me realize, even more than before, that it is the end of this journey. Now I am not a student anymore, all though I will be required to continue taking classes because thats what us teachers do! It reminded me that its time to make important decisions in my life. Decisions that will change my life. Its beyond scary for me, but I think Im ready. With the people who care about me most by my side, I feel I can do anything.

(The not crying thing didn't work!)

I wanted to take the time to thank people who have been there for me:

All (FOUR) of my amazing parents (haha): Without you this journey would have been 100% different. You were the ones who instilled the value of education, guided me when I needed it, helped with student loans, congraduated me when I reached goals, supported me through out it all no matter what the outcome was, listened to my many stories of the amazing students I worked with, listened to me vent about certain people I had to deal with, and through it all you were the ones who ALWAYS believed in me. And I thank you for that.

Jacob: My little brother, you helped me in ways you don't even know. Thank you for being someone I can go to, whether it be about school or just about life. I hope that you see, from my experience, that education is very important and to know you can come to me about anything. Im always here for you. Highschool can be tough! If I made it this far.. just imagine how far you will make it! Dream big :]

Little Crispy: My sister! Being only 6, it was the perfect age for me to experience some of the things I was learning first hand. You were the cute little kiddo I could talk to on the phone about what YOU were learning in school. While I was teaching young kids your age, they constantly reminded me of you, and how much I miss you. And you reminded me of why I love to teach and thats because of kids like yourself. Thank you for always putting a smile on my face, even though you're 3 states away.

My best friends (Tina, Heather, Cherish and Gino): You guys were always there to encourage me when I had doubts, listen to my stories, remind me of my strengths in both my profession and in life, provided a place to release my stress with a good time, and were always there when I really needed someone. Thank you for being there for me!

Mike: Even though you have only been apart of my life for a short time, I feel you are one of my biggest supporters! :] You were the first and only person to say you are excited to help me in the process of getting my own classroom! Saying that gave me a sense of TEAM that made me think, wow he's a keeper! Thank you for showing me that happiness is simple when youve found the right person.

The lovely lady graduates of ASU Early Childhood Program 2010!!: Having started the program without you I always wished there were more people in my block (there were 6 at the time). When I realized I needed to take a break and catch up on some credits, this caught me up with you girls. Im so greatful I did that! Besides not being AS STRESSED as I could have been I get to graduate with the most amazing soon to be teachers! Our stories and time, in the short time I have been with you, has been so fun! Christmas parties, Native New Yorker, crying over kindergarteners ;], venting, Dave n Busters, Chipotle, birthdays... I hope these don't stop! Megan will have to plan something in a few months, since shes the planner of us all! lol. Thank you girls for bringing me into your group and riding along in this journey with me!

My family, friends, mentor teachers, students, coworkers, ASU administrators (even though they arent all that great lol), Amber Bickes, and Kelli Ems:
You all helped me reach my goal of becoming a teacher. Something I have wanted to do for many years. Through this experience you have supported me, believed in me, inspired me, loved me, guided me, and I couldn't ask for better people in my life. So I thank you all from the bottom of my heart. Without you I would not be where I am today. I love you all. <3

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