About Me

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Hi Im Ashley! Im currently an ASU student about to enter the world of Teaching! With graduation and summer nearing, this could get pretty crazy! :P

Saturday, April 24, 2010

First Blog

Well I decided I would try this blogging thing! It seems fun and is a great way to keep people posted on whats going on in my life, since it's OHH SO INTERESTING! haha.

So here's what has been going on in the past few months...

  • I completed my first semester of student teaching (in December) in a preschool setting. It was the most amazing experience Ive had! I taught in the Gilbert District, which I loved! Teaching those kiddos may have persuaded me into going down that path, teaching preschool that is. I just fell in love with them! It was hard not taking the kiddos home with me! haha!!

  • In January I began my second half of student teaching in a first grade classroom. While I loved these students just as much, I realized they didn't love me the same! haha. This placement was in the Mesa District, where I have worked for 5 years in the after school program. Teaching in this district was very challenging because of the negative atmosphere the teachers around me created. The teachers seemed negative because of the budget cuts, students behavior, lack of support, resources, or simply just not being happy with their job. This was a little discouraging for me but I know that I'm going into the right profession for me!

  • NOW as graduation is coming close its time to think about possibilities. Ive been going to college for Early Childhood Education for 5 years now. The past 5 years Ive been worrying about projects, interning, classes, grades, student teaching, learning, seminars, professional development, money, my social life, but it all came down to my goal... to become the best teacher I can be! This journey I have been on is about over, and another one is about to start! Its time to find an adult job! Move out!! Buy a new car! GROW UP. wow! haha. I'm super excited but very scared! With the economy being the way it is, entering the profession of teaching is a gamble. The reason I want to teach is for the kiddos, but in the end Ive got to be secure with my job. I'm not too sure what I'm going to do but soon I'm going to start applying for jobs. I'm thinking more the private preschool route... but Ill see where God takes me. He has a plan for me and it will work out. :]

Summer Kidz Camp

Pumpkin Seeds

Explaining the brain to the preschoolers

Ill put more pictures up in a different blog :] Im still learning how to do this!!

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